Selamat datang di dapur mamanya Abien, kami menyediakan cake, cake ultah, aneka cookies dan snack yang berkualitas. Dibuat dengan bahan terbaik, harga terjangkau dan dengan sepenuh hati:)

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Mitha's Birthday

My eye brows raise when she asks a colorful birthday cake?, what?, colorfull?, thought that she is no child no more?..hmm...She is one of my best friends and no wonder she requests for such a cake, she is celebrating her birthday with her nieces and nephews!, haha...i got the point, she intends to make her troops to envy her...., dasar tante jail, comment kue di fb "OKE beneer....ponakan pada melotot semua liat tart lo...hehehehe...thx.", happy birthday ya Mith, soon you will harvest every wish very soon....amiiinn...

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